Sunday, May 27, 2007

made it to arusha....

Jambo!! that means hello!
we are here in Arusha! Yesterday we took a 10 hour bus ride from Dar Es Salaam to here. IT was long...but amazing to see what Tanzania is like. At first the landscape was pretty flat, but then we came into the mountains which were amazing and beautiful. There are villages throughout the country side, but to me it seems like we would be in the middle of nowhere and then one would pop up! We saw children playing, women carrying various items on their heads, and people living thier lives. Often when we stopped at various bus stops men would try to sell the passengers bananas, nuts, and other things. We bought some fresh bananas, 20 for $2! They were delicious!! :) The bus itself was pretty comfortable, and they played funny American music VERY loudly. Barry White and the group that sings Red Red wine....
We are now at our final destination. It is very comfortable. IT is not as fancy as the hotel on the coast, but I am glad. The rooms here are very cute, and the eating area is open air. We all have mosquito nets, which was funny to sleep with last night. IT might take a little getting used to. We have two family rooms, 4 in one, 5 in the other, except Jessi and Christina get a 2 person bungalo until their mosquito net for their bunkbed is fixed! Lucky them!! :)
All is well and I think we will check out the city a bit today, sunday, before we head to the Cradle of Love tomorrow.
-molly :)

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